DOWNLOAD GAME Hitman Sniper Challenge 2012 (PC/ENG)
This Game Hitman Sniper Challenge, new game in 2012. Hitman: crack shot Challenge could be a standalone crack shot expertise that offers players a fast hit of the exhilirating hit man franchise. Players will don the suit of Agent forty seven as he takes on associate exclusive assassination assignment. From a balcony high a upside gathering, players are tasked with getting rid of Richard sturdy, Jr., CEO of entire Armaments, beside his entire employees of bodyguards. skillful players can make the most score multipliers, hidden secrets, unlock instrumentation upgrades and marvel at the various inventive ways in which one will discretely get rid of a body whereas they work to fulfil their accept the foremost economical means potential.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/7
Intel Pentium 4 2.4Ghz or Better
2 GB free Space
512 MB Vram

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